Capullo de Jerez and Ramón Trujillo
Miguel Flores Quirós, known as Capullo de Jerez to flamenco, is one of the most personal singers remaining in the current artistic landscape. He was born on Cantarería street, in the heart of the Santiago neighborhood, and was trained from a very young age in the world of song. Few flamencos today have the mastery of rhythm that Capullo has, nor even less, his ability to always perfectly square the tercios. Perhaps for all this, Capullo de Jerez is an absolutely personal singer and very difficult to categorize. Feeling his singing up close is an experience hard to forget. He will be accompanied by his fellow townsman Ramón Trujillo, a guitarist whose toque (flamenco playing) is inspired by the style of a bygone era, an era in which the accompaniment to cante (flamenco singing) had great splendour.